Brad Diesel
Call me whenever you can...
4 Hours Ago
John Pierce
I got your message bro
4 Hours Ago
Nora Silvester
The subject goes here
4 Hours Ago
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Modals & Alerts
Modals & Alerts
Modal Examples
Launch Default Modal
Launch Primary Modal
Launch Secondary Modal
Launch Info Modal
Launch Danger Modal
Launch Warning Modal
Launch Success Modal
Launch Small Modal
Launch Large Modal
Launch Extra Large Modal
Launch Modal with Overlay
Instructions for how to use modals are available on the
Bootstrap documentation
Toasts Examples
built in AdminLTE
Launch Default Toast
Launch Full Toast (with icon)
Launch Full Toast (with image)
Launch Default Toasts with autohide
Launch Default Toasts with not fixed
Launch Default Toast (topLeft)
Launch Default Toast (bottomRight)
Launch Default Toast (bottomLeft)
Launch Success Toast
Launch Info Toast
Launch Warning Toast
Launch Danger Toast
Launch Maroon Toast
SweetAlert2 Examples
Launch Success Toast
Launch Info Toast
Launch Error Toast
Launch Warning Toast
Launch Question Toast
For more examples look at
Toastr Examples
Launch Success Toast
Launch Info Toast
Launch Error Toast
Launch Warning Toast
For more examples look at
Default Modal
One fine body…
Default Modal
One fine body…
Primary Modal
One fine body…
Secondary Modal
One fine body…
Info Modal
One fine body…
Warning Modal
One fine body…
Success Modal
One fine body…
Danger Modal
One fine body…
Small Modal
One fine body…
Large Modal
One fine body…
Extra Large Modal
One fine body…